Recently, there are new cases where payments are being transferred into accounts not belonging to suppliers.
Perpetrators of these scam, are able to make it so real that anyone could be the next victim. Thus it is best that there is a set of policy to prevent this from happening.
The simple trick is just to ensure the bank details are correct and verified through various parties.
Setup a policy and just stick to the same policy whenever there are changes or new addition of bank accounts details.
Some example of the steps will be ...
. Verify changes in bank account details
. Verify the bank information over telephone, ideally with someone you know and have known for some time
. Ensure a faxed acknowledgement from supplier upon the change of bank details
Hope this email will help to prevent any future incidents from these scam.
Article contributed by: Moke Tsing
Date: 8th Oct 2015
Advanced Micro Control or AMC is an IT Solutions provider servicing SMEs in Singapore since 1992. AMC provides simple and affordable solutions to assist SMEs to adopt IT solutions pertaining to direction of Singapore government by leveraging available grants and assistance available to SMEs.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Government Grant - Innovation Capability Voucher
Referring to Spring Singapore website, this grant is to assist SME defray cost of consultancy and solutions to improve business efficiency.
Let us talk about the solutions portion of this grant. There are many solutions SMEs can tap from this grant ranging from Accounting solutions to over 20 pre-approved list of integrated solutions available in Spring website.
This is going to be simple for SMEs with the follow 3 steps:
1. Eligibility:
Let us talk about the solutions portion of this grant. There are many solutions SMEs can tap from this grant ranging from Accounting solutions to over 20 pre-approved list of integrated solutions available in Spring website.
This is going to be simple for SMEs with the follow 3 steps:
1. Eligibility:
- Registered and operating in Singapore
- Have a minimum of 30% local shareholding
- Have group annual turnover of not more than $100 million OR group employment size of not more than 200 employees
** do note that this grant do not require you to have 3 CPF paying employees as per PIC grant
2. Application:
- Look for a solution from the Spring Singapore list
- Get vendor to quote on what you required.
- Apply Online
- If in doubt, ask your friendly vendor
3. Claims:
- Login to ICV Online Portal
- Submit your claims document
- Submit your GIRO form to Spring Singapore
4. Amount:
Advanced Micro Control Pte Ltd will also be willing to assist you in the area of MYOB and Moneyworks!